Rapid metamagic 3.5. Complete Mage: Retributive Spell: You can keep a spell in reserve to use when. Rapid metamagic 3.5

 Complete Mage: Retributive Spell: You can keep a spell in reserve to use whenRapid metamagic 3.5  An analysis of Metamagic Feats for 3

We've now got a 2000 ft radius doing 400 fire damage, Fortitude save for half. Special. Changes to its level are cumulative. There is a magic item in the mythic magic items which functions similar to the metamagic rods. To be. Other than that, the ones that are generally considered worthwhile are: Split Ray (+2 CArc) Sculpt Spell (+1 CArc)The reduction comes in when the metamagic feat is applied to the spell, and that can happen several times during one casting. Thanks for everyones suggestions so far. 5 PHB2. (requires any metamagic feat) Metamagic School Focus [UNKNOWN=sup]: CM: Reduces. the pgtf incantatrix simply blows it out of the water with its two best abilities. Between metamagic feats, a reserve feat or two, maybe Uncanny Forethought or Cloudy Conjuration or something like that, Mindsight if dipping into Mindbender, and, of course, prerequisite feats for prestige classes, most wizards have plenty of worthwhile feats availble. 5 Summoning Feats. This benefit even lets you quicken your sorcerer spells with the Quicken Spell feat. 9th level spells and lots of illusion-action, but he still plays music every round. Spontaneous Summoning UA: By “losing” a spell of your choice, you can cast any summon monster spell of a lower level. 5 is a bad wizard. Metamagic School Focus and Arcane Thesis are usable only for arcane spells, but if you head down. Benefit: Only spells with a casting time greater than 1 standard action can be made rapid. Special . The metamagic increases the spell level by +1. The Metamagic Song feat from Races of Stone (p. Metamagic school focus from complete mage. Energy Substitution). Iridos • 4 yr. Cover does little to reduce the effectiveness of your spells. Definitely worth the money, and it's nice having an item slot maxed, so you won't need to worry about rebuying later. Reduce the cost of adding metamagic feats to spells of a chosen school of magic: X: Rapid Metamagic: CM: Spellcraft 12 ranks, ability to spontaneously cast spells: Apply metamagic feats without increasing casting time: X: Better than Accelerated Metamagic/PHB2 variant sorcerer, but comes online later: Residual Magic: CM:. Once or twice per day max, as the number of spell levels you can use is sharply limited by your MotAO level. If it's one of the +1s from the PHB, the Wu Jen's Spell Secret will give it to you for free on one spell. You can cast a spell with a moment's thought. When applying the chosen metamagic feat to a spontaneously cast spell, the spell uses a spell slot one level lower than normal for the applied metamagic feat, to a minimum of one level higher than a spell's normal level. Any items created using a metamagic reducing or alternate cost ability can only be used by a character with that same metamagic reducing or alternate cost ability. Rapid Metamagic ( Complete Mage, p. Feats are now gained at every odd-numbered level, ie at levels 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, and 19. In fact, in 3. 82 Therefore, such a character must also take more time to cast a metamagic spell (one enhanced by a metamagic feat) than he does to cast a regular spell. Also, Earth Spell works on any unworked earth, specifically including soil. 5] Yes, you can. On top of that you could apply sanctum spell to the Arcane Fusion itself and it would become 4th level spell, so you could use arcane fusion to launch another arcane fusion + any other spell of the 5th level with incredible load of metamagic atop of it. When preparing or casting a spell modified by that feat, lower the spell-slot cost by one. The Dark template increases the speed of all the forms of movement possessed by the base creature. The other books touched on it with build guides and spell lists but never really took that extra step. Immediate Magic PH2: While not related to summoning, this deserves special mention. Now that I have the time to finish it here is a compilation of all of the suggestions in that thread, plus some additions I have discovered in my readings. Wild Cohort. Some metamagic rods can supply things like Empower Spell and Widen Spell. Accelerate Metamagic from Races of the Dragon. g. Especially if you're using Sorcery Points (metamagic) and Spell Points (instead of spell slots) together in one big pool, you can choose to either cast a lot of first level spells throughout the day, or to drop a few big nukes and dump. Normal . The description of Rapid Metamagic (Complete Mage, p. As a secondary benefit, you gain a +1 competence bonus to your caster level when casting water spells. It comes with the stipulation that: You cannot use the Metamagic Song feat to add metamagic feats that would make the spell's effective level higher than the highest level. Complete Mage: Retributive Spell: You can keep a spell in reserve to use when. Absolutely invaluable for any Sorcerer. Is it legal to take X and Y at first level, without taking any other metamagic feat? After the character gained the level, both prerequisites are fulfilled. 5. 10. —Pathfinder Design Team, 10/18/13. There is a Rapid Metamagic feat in complete mage or complete arcane that can negate that. You have learned to marry the power of lightning and. Give me a point buy and I'll give you a sheet!It's a fairly simple question, but perhaps too subjective for the simple Q&A thread. Using Activate an Item is not the same as using Cast a Spell, so the metamagic feat's benefits are wasted. Rapid Metamagic – Feat – D&D ToolsIf you are a spellcaster who likes to modify your spells with metamagic feats, this feat is for you. ; The three above feats. For example, a sorcerer with this feat can expend two 2nd-level spell slots to cast any 3rd-level spell he knows. Re: why is Metamagic Song never suggested? Because unlike Divine Metamagic, it still requires you to be able to cast a spell of the level of the spell with metamagic applied. Spells that do not have an area of one of these four sorts are not affected by this feat . Level limits for potions and wands apply to the spell’s higher spell. A character who picks up Quicken Spell can’t immediately begin quickening her most powerful spells—she must initially be content using the feat only on her weakest spells. 5] Metamagic That Isn't This is a mini-project I want to work on, with community help. This staff grants the ability to use following metamagic feats to the user 5 times per day each, as if the user had actual feats learned. A metamagic feat lets a spellcaster prepare and cast a spell with greater effect, albeit as if the spell were a higher spell level than it actually is. Rapid Metamagic allows you to apply metamagic to spells cast spontaneously without an increase in casting time. Fist of the Gods, Rapid Spontaneous Casting: Caster Level 6, Turn Undead Level 8 9th: Cleric (d8) 4, Ordained Champion (d8) 5 +8 +8 +2 +8: Rapid Metamagic:. The familiar uses the basic statistics for a creature of its kind, as given in the Monster Manual. Also, that's still not how Easy Metamagic, Practical Metamagic, or even the Incantatrix's Improved Metamagic ability works. I was talking to him about how I was able to lock myself down in a resilient sphere and spend the next 5 rounds using Metamagic Item to apply all of my Metamagic feats to my Wand of Scorching Ray. You power your spells with your own essence. A searing spell is so hot that it ignores the resistance to fire of creatures affected by the spell, and affected creatures with immunity to fire still take half damage. The untyped feat Arcane Focus Item ( Dragon #358 86) says as part of its Benefit that If you spontaneously cast spells (as a sorcerer does), three times per day the focus allows you to apply a metamagic feat to a spell without increasing its casting time. Magic Items and Metamagic Spells: With the right item creation feat, you can store a metamagic version of a spell in a scroll, potion, or wand. Kind of like the Rapid Metamagic ACF from the 3. (Conjuration), and probably Rapid Spell to make the most of being a summoner. g. Rapid Metamagic [Level 15] Quicken Spell [Level 18] Instead of Inspiring Courage, he burns through his bardic music to enhance his spellcasting. The Metamagic Combo: Heighten Spell - To Increase the effective spell level of a spell by +1 or more, increasing slot requirement. Metamagic Rods. If the spell’s normal casting time is 1 standard. Warmage gets the ability to cast in medium armor from class levels and with a feat you can cast in heavy. 2. ECL Class/HD/LA Base Attack Bonus Saving Throws Feats Class Features Special Fort Ref Will; 1st: Cleric +0 +2 +0 +2: Extend Spell (Planning), Weapon Focus: Greatsword (War), Persistent Spell, Divine Metamagic: Persistent Spell (Human), Dynamic Cleric (Flaw), Practiced Spellcaster: Cleric (Flaw)La descripción de Rapid Metamagic (Completa Mago, p. Show All; Hide All - Top - End - #4. ago. Grab a ring of clumsiness. To me, it is not the damage that counts, but the versatility. A spell whose casting time is more than 1 full round action cannot be quickened. 101) [ General ] You can apply a selected metamagic feat to your spells more easily. The first variant limits the immediate effect of a metamagic feat on a character’s power level, just as in the standard rules. Metamagic School Focus You are unusually skilled at modifying the effects of a particular school of magic. Mirror Image: Sure, the images might get grokked, but you get to keep the ones that don't all day. Knowledge (religion) 4 ranks, Speak Language (Draconic). Spell Focus (necromancy), caster level 7th. The combat cleric makes great use of quicken, so does the buffer cleric. So they're not getting the metamagic feat for free. You can never reduce the spell-slot cost below one level. Not really all that cheesy. First example that pops to mind is Bane Magic from Heroes of Horror: adds 2d6 damage to a spell vs. "Empower Spell (Metamagic) You can increase the power of your spells, causing them to deal more damage. 5e/d20 Top. The paragon does not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained (bonus metamagic feats, and so on). This feat has no effect on a metamagic feat that requires a spell slot one level higher. If you want more turning uses for DMM you should trade in your cleric Turn Undead for one of the ACFs that count as TU for feats and abilities, like Destroy Undead (ECR). Please feel free to help me add to this guide (I would like to limit this to official 3. I think you can apply metamagic feats to arcane fusion, but I suspect you will find that they interact somewhat differently compared to the spells they replicate. For example, a wizard literally can't have prepared the mimicked spell—he prepared the spell that mimics the spell—, so he's generally unable to apply the benefit of metamagic feats to the mimicked spell. It adds +3 levels to the spell. Would be nicer if you could use it a bit more often. Rapid Metamagic: You possess an uncanny mastery of your magic, enabling you. CampinCarl9127. This feat can be applied to a spell cast spontaneously as long as its original casting time. Yourfirespells sear. Knowledge (religion) 4 ranks, must not be of the dragonblood subtype, must not have any draconic feats. When applying the chosen metamagic feat to a spontaneously cast spell, the spell uses a spell slot one level lower than normal for the applied metamagic feat, to a minimum of one level higher than a spell's normal level. May we get an official discussion thread linked to in this thread? Thankee! (Metamagic and You: A Thesis should use this link instead!)(Complete Mage 151 has the very spiffy Metamagic Storm wondrous location where, for 5000G, you gain a metamagic feat for 1 year. Level 1, single target, round/level, 1 damage per round, separate reflex save to negate each round. A rapid spell with a casting time of 1 full round can be cast as a standard action. All the rods described here are use-activated. A spellcaster who uses a metamagic component casts a. )AFAICT, in 3. Debilitating Aura only imposes a -1 to AC, but it’s better than Aura of Courage. 484. Since the benefit is exactly the same, it works with rapid metamagic too. /level, while medium-range spells have a range of 200 ft. This is because Spellsword is actually a terrible PrC to pursue past one level because of lost caster levels, and Abjurant. And I still have a bigger issue with Rapid Metamagic vs. Impromptu Metamagic - Each day you choose a metamagic feat you have. You can create weapons, armor and possibly siege equipment for your undead minions. Wizard is really a stronger choice, everything considered. In another thread Cold Napalm claimed that, according to RAW, a spontaneous caster (such as a sorcerer) who applied multiple metamagic feats to a single spell (such as an empowered maximized fireball) would add multiple full round actions to the casting time, one for each metamagic feat applied (or two full round actions for the above example). Furthermore, Sorcerers still have to pay the increased level cost. Quicken Spell-Like Ability would allow you to make one quickened eldritch blast, and one normal eldritch blast in a round a total of 3/day. Possibly a great use of a 5th or 8th slot. For example: Magic Items and Metamagic Spells: With the right item creation feat, you can store a metamagic version of a spell in a scroll, potion, or wand. 2010-04-25, 03:19 PM (ISO 8601) Spoilers. A creator can create an item at a lower. The metamagic specialist has all the standard Sorcerer class features, except as noted below. Spontaneous casters applying metamagic must either take a full-round action (if the spell normally requires a standard action or less) or add a full-round action to the casting time (if the spell takes 1 full round or longer to cast). Elemental Metamagic: Whenever you cast a spell that has two or more elemental descriptors and you modify this spell with a metamagic feat, reduce the final spell level adjustment (after all metamagic has been applied) by one, to a minimum of +0. Level: 1st. Artifices, incantatrixes, other casters using metamagic wand grip, and the metamagic infusion can also apply metamagic feats to non-epic staffs in such a way that their effect slot value would exceed 9. You may use this ability a number of times per day equal to your Intelligence bonus + your. My question involes the use of the new Metamagic Spell Trigger (MST) feat from the Complete Mage and the possible application of Sudden Metamagic feats in the use of MST:. Other than Arcane Prep, is there any Feat thats like this? I know learned metamagic is 3. The Split Ray feat from Complete Arcane (p. Metamagic Feats Prerequisite Benefit; Consecrate Spell: Any good alignment: Spell gains the good descriptor: Corrupt Spell: Any evil alignment: Spell gains the evil descriptor: Rapid Spell — Decrease casting time of some spells: Reach Spell — Touch spell becomes a ray with 30-ft. Spells per Day: An incantatrix continues to study standard magic as well as pursuing studies in metamagic. The Prestige Class Metaphysical Spellshaper (BoEF, p. Heighten Spell is really the only metamagic feat that makes using a higher-level spell slot an advantage instead of a disadvantage. Rapid Metamagic from Complete Mage does allow you to do this. It's my personal opinion that Bouncing and Persistent are fairly easily the best metamagic feats. Spellcasters can apply their metamagic to any spell they want. Ashram. For extra craziness, look at Malconvoker in Complete Scoundrel. Saving throw modifications are not changed unless stated otherwise in the feat description. For example, Empower Spell-like Ability requires a CL that is twice the spell level + 4. Born of the Three Thunders. The shadow evocation spell, in part, says that it allows you "to cast a quasi-real, illusory. rapid spell metamagic feat to turn them into 1 action spells. Metamagic Components. As a free action, you can take the energy from turning or rebuking undead and use it to apply a metamagic feat to spells that you know. Special . As a swift action, you can expend one use of mythic power to gain the ability to. 5 dragonblooded Sorc, need help with Draconic feats. You have learned to marry the power of lightning and. That rules it out for a lot of games, or at least the start. Improved Shield Bash; Tower Shield Proficiency, Simple Weapon Proficiency; Skill Focus; Spell Focus. Metamagic Specialist is good at low levels, but once you hit level 9, you should seriously consider retraining it for a familiar and picking up Rapid Metamagic as a feat. psycarnum infusion. Class Features. You must meet all prerequisites for this feat and this feat can't be used as. All the rods described here are use-activated (but casting spells in a. To me, it is not the damage that counts, but the versatility. They can thread together. I wonder if I am interpreting this feat wrongly or not. To use a silly example; if you have a. From the DMG section on metamagic rods (pg 236): "A caster may only use one metamagic rod on any given spell, but it is permissible to combine a rod with metamagic feats possessed by the rod's wielder. Normal metamagic rods can be used with spells of 6th level or lower. You can cast spells that arc to other targets in. Incantrix prestige class lowered metamagic spell level, that is in MoF. Multi Spell : You must announce that you are using this ability before casting a spell. Some feats have prerequisites. Nobody will make fun of you again. g. 5] Get the +6 int item. Although talk with your GM since Errata states that it can only gain you spells on your class list (some choose to ignore that). Can't link due to scrub rules of this forum. Cover does little to reduce the effectiveness of your spells. You make one of your spells last all day. The creature serves as a companion and servant. Draconic breath can be useful at lower lvs. By using this ability you. Rapid Metamagic ( Complete Mage, p. Let's assume his 9th level feat is Rapid Metamagic, and as a Beguiler he gets Silent Spell and Still Spell as class bonus feats. Metamagic School Focus. ago. Champion Summoner. I was told the below was a very good build for a sorcerer, but the thing is I have no idea at all what a instant metamagic sorcerer is. Any other metamagic feat, Caster Level 3rd, Constitution 13+. Prerequisite. As for saving. When you remove that barrier, Quicken Spell is just as applicable as any other metamagic feat. There's the Metamagic specialist ACF from PH2 which allows you to use metamagic without extending the casting time. I was taking a look at the "sudden" metamagic feats in Complete Arcane, and they seemed kind of overpowered, unless I'm missing a restriction (other than only once/day). Even if both are non-magic, they still can’t be used together. Spoilers. A character doesn t need the metamagic feat to activate an item storing a. A bunch of things jump out, so let me stream-of-consciousness at you a bit. doc / . * Metamagic hijinx: (E. A rapid spell uses up a spell slot one level higher than the spell's actual level. (and did!) just bribe the GM until he lets me gank Rapid Metamagic from 3. Add extra negative energy damage to necromancy spells. An enlarged spell with a range of close now has a range of 50 ft. Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Incantatrixes gain no proficiency with any weapon or armor. No, there are separate Meta-Spell-like Ability feats, like Quicken Spell-like Ability and Empower Spell-like Ability. Quicken metamagic items help, like metamagic rods. You must spend one turn or rebuke attempt, plus an additional attempt for each. This feat can be applied only to spells with the fire descriptor. 5. ) from Complete Mage. An analysis of Metamagic Feats for 3. In addition, reduce the DC of any saving throws by this amount. The Original formula: X = Metamagic feat's spell level modifier (+0 is calculated as 1/2) Y = Maximum level of spell affected by the rod. Your study of the sinister knowledge and spellcasting techniques of. Complete Mage has Rapid Metamagic, a feat that allows a spontaneous spellcaster to apply metamagic feats without increasing cast time. Acrobatic; Agile; Alertness; Animal Affinity; Armor Proficiency (Light) Armor Proficiency (Medium) Armor Proficiency (Heavy). So with Incantatrix 10, practical metamagic, and arcane thesis (greater arcane fusion) I can twin a GAF in a 9th-level slot. Spontaneous casters do not have casting time increased using metamagic, but they can only apply one at a time. Ray spells are a good choice. An eldritch scion w/out standard action metamagic is quite noticeably weaker than a base magus. Preparing and casting a spell in such a way is harder than normal but, thanks to metamagic feats, is at least possible. Maximize Spell: All variable, numeric effects of the spell are increased to their maximum. Re: Help with 3. Not an item, but if you don't want to lose a feat there is an ACF that lets sorcerers trade their familiar in order to apply metamagic rapidly int mod+3 times per day. Easy Metamagic. The classical gish build is paladin 2/sorcerer 4/Spellsword 1/Abjurant Champion 5/something (often Sacred Exorcist) 8. Benefit: Only spells with a casting time greater than 1 standard action can be made rapid. Your cold spells are so cold that they can damage. When you apply a metamagic feat other than Heighten Spell to that spell, the enhanced spell uses up a spell slot one level lower than normal. However, this has far stricter requirements than Easy Metamagic, including requiring dragonblood and spontaneous casting. range: Transdimensional Spell — Affect incorporeal. Usable 1/day. 5. FWIW, the Rapid Metamagic feat says this: Normal: Spontaneous casters applying metamagic must either take a full-round action (if the spell normally requires a standard action or less) or add a full-round action to the casting time (if the spell takes 1 full round or longer to cast). Rapid Metamagic (C. The diviner may not select a metamagic feat as a wizard bonus feat (that is, those feats gained at 5th, 10th, 15th, and 20th level). Re: Optimizing Magic Missile [3. Prerequisite. Re: Metamagic Adept. Doing so takes 24 hours and uses up magical materials that cost 100gp. MA. For example, you can use one of those moethods to apply admixture (a +4 metamagic that doubles the dice rolled) to stored lightning bolt (a 7th. MightyK : Jun 26, 2015, 07:47 am: Well not being able to use. Metamagic Options A Sorcerer uses transmuted spell 3rd-level sorcerer feature When you choose Metamagic options, you have access to the following additional options. Potpourri Creation Contest II Winner: Desert Martial Adept Substitution Levels. Benefit. Circlet of rapid casting; Strand of Prayer Beads; Ioun Stone (Orange Prism) Ring of Spell Battle; Progression . The Eldritch Glaive blast shape invocation from Dragon Magic would allow you to use your Eldritch Blast as if it were a melee weapon, gaining your normal iterative attack spread. When you take this feat, choose a metamagic feat that you have. Gnome; or base attack bonus +4, Knowledge (dungeoneering) 2 ranks, and Tumble 9 ranks. You can use two spell slots of the same level to cast a spell you know that is one level higher. A rapid spell with a casting time measured in rounds can be cast in 1 full round. The only thing important about the exalted feat Nymph's Kiss (BE 44) is what it is (an exalted feat) and what it does (the feat's Benefit). Chaotic evil. Ride. Level limits for potions and wands apply to the spell's higher spell level (after the application of the metamagic feat). As described below: "While item creation costs are handled in detail below, note that normally the two primary factors are the caster level of the creator and the level of the spell or spells put into the item. + 80 ft. Rapid Reload; Run; Self-Sufficient; Shield Proficiency. For example, Maximize Spell requires a slot 3 levels higher. 5. This guide has a (supposedly) complete collection of official metamagic feats and reducers, including a selection of 3rd party content like stuff from the BoEF and Kingdoms of Kalamar. The Player's Handbook says. A quickened spell uses up a spell slot four levels higher than. According to PHB, quicken spell can't be applied to spells cast spontaneously, such as sorcerer spells, bard spells, and cleric or druid spells cast spontaneously, since applying a metamagic feat to a spontaneously cast spell automatically increases the casting time to a full-round action. Your study of the sinister knowledge and spellcasting techniques of. Any numeric measurements of the spell’s area increase by 100%. The Heighten spell feat is a variable adjustment that is still added to the total adjustment of other metamagic feats. It's also true of the Practical Metamagic feat. 7. 5, p. Ferrus Animus said: In Complete Mage there is the feat "Rapid Metamagic" it allows you to cast spells with metamagic without an increased casting time. Rapid spells with casting times measured in minutes can be cast in 1 minute, and rapid spells with casting times measured in hours can be cast in 1 hour. /level, while medium-range spells have a range of 200 ft. /level and long-range spells have a range of 800 ft. Is there one that is of a similar level of power that doesn't? If not, what are the best weaker ones? This is for a Wizard doing minimal, if any, metamagic cost. Downsides are a small expanded list. Creatures affected by a searing spell. As you say I doubt this is rules as intended, and in RAW I don't think it's allowed either. It's trading the flexibility of the slot to have the non-slow metamagic casts, but you have to pick your metamagic spells ahead of time. Rapid Shot* Dex 13, Point-Blank Shot: Make one extra ranged attack. ; Earth Spell - To Increase effective caster level of the spell by +2, and retain out +1 to effective spell level. This feat can be found in: Complete Mage. Benefit: You can apply metamagic feats that you know to sorcerer spells without increasing the casting time. Choose one arcane spell that you can cast to be your thesis spell. 1D4 + 1 Maximized is 5. Even a quicken spell metamagic rod. Unfortunately, taking it is another metamagic feat you aren’t taking. 5] There's a Pathfinder Metamagic feats that allows a spells damage dice to be increased by 5. You can make a spell last all day. Although it's a stretch to read it this way, the question's been asked, so it seems it can be. Re: [3. [3. 3. You may use this ability a number of times per day equal to your Intelligence bonus + your master of. Pathfinder contains the bloodrager archetype metamagic rager, the oracle archetype seeker's supernatural ability seeker magic, 2 the feat Spell Perfection, 3,4 the trait Magical Lineage, 3 the trait Metamagic Master 3 (né Waywang Spellhunter), the spell arcane concordance, 5 and, doubtlessly, will contain other effects in future supplements. Rogue Handbook | Warmage Rebuild | Diablo's Assassin | Revised Classes. Rapid Metamagic: You can apply metamagic feats to spells without increasing their casting time. More spells per round is always a good thing, especially if you find some of the really well scaling low level spells. Summon lots of evil things to. That kind of stuff doesn't really "take off" until mid levels anyway. Complete Mage: Shadow Veil: You draw wisps of darkness across your enemy's eyes,. Saving throw modifications are not changed unless stated otherwise in the feat description. That means you'll going to be channeling most of the time. This feat applies only to that metamagic feat. Also, this is the only way one can apply these metamagic feats to the higher level spells. Now, if I wanted to take 2 metamagic feats -- lets call them X and Y -- each with the prerequisite: any other metamagic feat. Seeking Spell If you make an. Reading the epic feat "Improved Metamagic" it seems to me that, if taken multiple times it considerably outshines the other epic feats that reduce cost of metamagic such as "Automatic Quicken Spell" (191 Complete Arcane) or "Automatic Silent Spell" (191 Complete Arcane) or "Automatic Still. It's two metamagics, not just one. Then assuming one gets the feat Extended Spell, then the feat Persistent Spell, one has eaten up two feats. Benefit When you apply a metamagic feat to a spontaneously cast spell, the spell takes only its normal casting time. Using the optional Spell Point rule from the DMG really helps make this class feel flexible and distinct from the wizard. Energy Substitution (electricity), Knowledge (nature) 4 ranks. This gets you four at 4th level, and by 17th level you'll know 6/8 metamagic options, rather than just 4/8. 46) You possess an uncanny mastery of your magic, enabling you to modify spells on the fly much faster than others can. net A spell can be made rapid and quickened only if its original casting time was 1 full round. Usable 1/day. Re: Arcane Fusion & Greater Arcane. 2011-02-14, 10:57 PM (ISO 8601) Some quick research confirms RAW although whomever writes the metamagic version down must have the prerequisite feats, the subsequent users of the scroll do not per RAW and must only make a Spellcraft(DC 15 +spell level, -2 if within their specialty school) to copy it into their spellbook, where it’s a spell of whatever level the metamagic increased it to. You can alter a spell with a range of close, medium, or long to increase its range by 100%. "Magic Items and Metamagic Spells: With the right item creation feat, you can store a metamagic version of a spell in a scroll, potion, or wand. The Gnome Wizard 1 substitution level that makes Silent Image a 0-level spell (gaining another +1 from Earth Spell). 1. The Metamagic School Focus feat lets you reduce the cost of any metamagic feat by one, three times per day, if the feat is used on a spell from the chosen school, no minimum given. Three times per day, you can reduce by one. In this way, you can still attempt this build even if your dungeon master won't allow you to take flaws. When you use this feat, add +3 to the number of rounds you must wait before using your breath weapon again. Any variable characteristics (including attack rolls) or decisions you would make about the spell (including target and area), are applied to both spells, with affected creatures receiving all the. 5] Good Metamagic feats for a Beguiler HelpRapid metamagic can negate that entirely from level 9 on, and there's an ACF in PHB2 that can bypass it several times per day if you give up your familiar. Rapid Metamagic is not reducing the spell's casting time, it is preventing an increase in casting time, making Arcane Spellsurge's line about not stacking with effects that reduce casting time not apply. End turn. That makes it 90 GP per level reduced. (no prerequisites) Sudden Maximize [UNKNOWN=sup]: CA/Miniatures Handbook: Summon more of the lower list creatures. One of your metamagic feats is easier to use. Therefore, such a character must also take more time to cast a metamagic spell (one enhanced by a metamagic feat) than he does to cast a regular spell. Benefit. The improved familiar is magically linked to its masters like a normal familiar. Electric999999 • 4 yr. Sudden Metamagic (Su): At 2nd level, choose a metamagic feat you know from the following list: Empower Spell, Enlarge Spell, Extend Spell, Maximize Spell, or Widen Spell. However, the following feats are added to the list of bonus feats available to her at those levels: Alertness, Blind-Fight, Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, and Skill Focus (Spot, Listen, or Sense Motive. And don't get me started on Power Word Pain! :) VedicCold :.